We all know that you need to tend to your garden, if you want your plants to thrive. You need to water, weed, remove some if they are crowded, etc. And it is no different with relationships. If you want to have thriving, healthy relationships, you need to be mindful and tend to those that are important to you. You already know this. And maybe this is what you want. But you may not have… Continue reading…
ADD and Anger: Is It Getting In Your Way?
One of the hallmark symptoms of ADD is the struggle with managing emotions, such as anger. If you answer yes to the questions below, your anger may be getting in your way. Do you tend to wear your emotions on your sleeve, but would rather not? Do you go from 0-100 mph in a split second and wonder how you got there so fast? Do you become frustrated with others easily, and then regret it… Continue reading…
If You Have ADD and Maintaining Relationships Is Hard, It Can Be Easier
(If you have not already, I suggest you read my previous post, ADD – ADHD: Have You Forgotten How Much You Need This?, where I covered the importance of maintaining connections, before reading this one) One of the challenges in nurturing relationships is making the time and space to connect with others. Unless we are intentional in our choices, and attend to our relationships, we can actually forget to do this. Even when it… Continue reading…
ADD- ADHD: Have You Forgotten How Much You Need This?
It has been quite some time since I have thought about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It came to mind as I was thinking about Dr. Hallowell and his writings about the importance of connection in treating ADD. Then I started thinking about my own need to for connection. Recharging vs. Connecting I began questioning my need to connect with others two weeks ago, when I spent a wonderful weekend with old friends from my time… Continue reading…
Entrepreneurs and ADD: Are Your Business Relationships Working?
When you are a small business owner / entrepreneur with ADD the way in which your ADD symptoms manifest themselves can absolutely have a positive effect on your relationships with others. You may be outgoing and able to talk to many different people, for example. This ability allows you to easily integrate into a variety of social and business situations which may serve you well in building and sustaining your business. However, many of you… Continue reading…
ADD – ADHD: Do You Want To Hook Up?
No, I am not referring to dating. Though, if that is what you are looking for, by all means, go for it! Rather, I am asking you, if you want to make positive connections with people who through their actions or just their presence in your life provide you with support. It is all too easy in the hurriedness of our daily life to forget the value of nurturing our important relationships with family and… Continue reading…