DESCRIPTION: Determining whether your job or career is a good fit entails answering to 5 questions, including whether you’re in the right environment. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Resource: Book: Finding a Career That Works for You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Career by Willma Fellman TRANSCRIPT: (00:00): So you’re wondering, are there jobs that are better suited for adults with ADHD than others? Let’s find out. (00:06): You’ve tuned into Scattered Focus, Done – Reimagining Productivity with… Continue reading…
The 10 Tools Every ADHD Adult Needs to Be Successful.
DESCRIPTION: Learn which tools are the most effective in helping you stay organized, manage your time, achieve your goals and work with your ADHD. Also, find out how your ADHD challenges might get in the way of using the tools. So you can address them as they come up. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Articles: ADHD Adults Who Want to Be Productive and Not Stressed Use These Calendar Tips How Mindfullness Can Help You Manage Your ADHD… Continue reading…
ADHD Disclosure in the Workplace: To Share or Not to Share?
RESOURCES: Websites: American With Disabilities Act Job Accommodation Network Transcript (00:00): Are you wondering whether you should disclose that you have ADHD at work? Whether you’re an employee wondering whether to disclose to your boss or a boss wondering whether to disclose to your employees, there are steps you can take to figure this out. (00:15): You’ve tuned into Scattered Focused, Done Reimagining Productivity with ADHD podcast for ADHD adults like you who want to… Continue reading…
Beat Procrastination When You Change These 5 Types of Self-Talk
DESCRIPTION: Adults with ADHD often have underdeveloped self-talk skills to guide their actions in positive ways. At the same time, unfortunately, they often have an abundance of negative self-talk, which can get in the way of doing what they want and being who they want. The antidote to this is to be aware of this negative self-talk and reframe it into more useful and positive self-talk for you. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Articles: TRANSCRIPT: (00:00): We… Continue reading…
Do You Know the 4 Steps That Are the Key to Unlocking ADHD Motivation?
DESCRIPTION: Inconsistency is one of the hallmarks of ADHD. And one of the places where this is glaringly true is motivation. Unfortunately, you may be using strategies to motivate yourself that don’t serve you well in the long run. To turn this around, check out the four strategies you can use that can help give you the motivation you need more often. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: TRANSCRIPT: (00:01): As an adult with ADHD, I know there… Continue reading…
Which Support Do You Need Right Now, a Therapist or an ADHD Coach?
DESCRIPTION: Since ADHD is a challenge of performance, not knowledge, you may need the help of a therapist and/or ADHD coach to make improvements in your life. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Website: ACO Directory of ADHD Coaches Articles: TRANSCRIPT: 00:00: Deciding whether to work with a therapist and/or an ADHD coach can be complicated. I know. The key to an easier decision making process is knowing your needs. And how each type of professional might be… Continue reading…
ADHD Adults Who Want Less Overwhelm Need These 5 Delegation Tips
DESCRIPTION: You probably have more on your plate right now than you can do by yourself. And, though you may know that delegating can help you manage your workload, you may not delegate as much as you’d like right now. Learn about your challenges, including those related to your ADHD, and how you can address them. So you can start delegating better. KEY TAKEAWAYS: TRANSCRIPT: (00:01): Like many ADHD adults, you may not delegate as… Continue reading…
Optimizing These 9 Areas Is The Ultimate Key to Productivity With ADHD
DESCRIPTION: Tending to and upgrading, if necessary, these 9 environments can help you reach your goals more easily. KEY TAKEAWAYS: TRANSCRIPT: 00:01: I know you want to be productive, but just trying to work harder, longer, or faster is probably not going to get you there. You may need to also upgrade one or more of your environments. (00:15): You’ve tuned into Scattered Focus, Done Re-Imagining Productivity with ADHD, a podcast for ADHD adults like… Continue reading…
ADHD Managers Need to Use These 5 Strategies to Be Better Leaders
Description: If you are not leading the way you want, it may be you have not yet addressed key ADHD challenges. Ready to see how you can turn that around? Key Takeaways: Resources: Articles: Books: Transcript: (00:01): You probably have strengths related to your ADHD symptoms that help you in your leadership role of managing people, like being an out-of-the-box thinker and perhaps great in a crisis. It’s important that you make sure you’re leaning… Continue reading…
4 Strategies ADHD Adults Need to Stop Feeling Like an Impostor
DESCRIPTION: Impostor Syndrome is common for ADHD adults. And, if you don’t address it, it may be holding you back. Ready to change that? KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Website Impostor Syndrome Institute TRANSCRIPT: 00:03: Have you ever wondered what if people find out, I really don’t have what it takes. I don’t know how I’ve gotten it this far without them finding out. If you have, you’re not alone. Imposter syndrome is pervasive and it can… Continue reading…