DESCRIPTION: Impostor Syndrome is common for ADHD adults. And, if you don’t address it, it may be holding you back. Ready to change that? KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Website Impostor Syndrome Institute TRANSCRIPT: 00:03: Have you ever wondered what if people find out, I really don’t have what it takes. I don’t know how I’ve gotten it this far without them finding out. If you have, you’re not alone. Imposter syndrome is pervasive and it can… Continue reading…
Creating Change Will Be Easier When You Use These 6 Strategies
DESCRIPTION: Making changes to work better with your ADHD can be hard. But it could be easier if you use these 6 strategies. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: ARTICLE: Are You Persisting in These Four Areas When It’s Better to Quit? TRANSCRIPT: 00:01: Making changes to work better with your ADHD can be hard. But it could be easier if you use these strategies. You’ve tuned into Scattered, Focused, Done – Reimagining Productivity with ADHD, a podcast… Continue reading…
Need Help Executing on Uncomfortable Tasks? Use These 5 Tips.
DESCRIPTION: Are you avoiding doing what’s important to you because you’re uncomfortable? Ready to get unstuck? When you use these 5 tips to address your discomfort you can get past it and start moving toward your goals. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: ARTICLE: How To Become Shame Resilient When You Have ADHD BOOK: The Tools: 5 Tools to Help You Find Courage, Creativity, and Willpower–and Inspire You to Live Life in Forward Motion by Phil Stutz and… Continue reading…
Are You Persisting in These 4 Areas When It’s Better to Quit?
DESCRIPTION: True following through is often a challenge for ADHD adults. But not knowing when to quit may also be problematic for you. Learn from 4 examples of when it might be better to throw in the towel. KEY TAKEAWAYS: RESOURCES: Articles: Books: TRANSCRIPT: 00:03: One of the challenges for ADHD adults no doubt is persisting and following through, closing the loop. So how do you know when it’s time to give up and not… Continue reading…
Curious Why ADHD Adults Know What to Do But Still Don’t Follow Through?
DESCRIPTION: Frustrated when you don’t follow through? Find out why your primary ADHD challenge is one of performance, not knowledge and what you can do about it. KEY TAKEAWAYS: ADHD adults may not execute even when they know what they need to do and even how to do it. Shame, if not addressed, can further exacerbate the lack of follow through for ADHD adults. Simple is not the same as easy. ADHD adults may not… Continue reading…
ADHD Adults Need to Use These 5 Strategies to Listen Better
DESCRIPTION: Your ADHD may make it harder to listen. But, if you want to do better, to improve your relationships and productivity, you can. Here’s how. KEY TAKEAWAYS: ADHD symptoms can make it hard to listen. ADHD adults might want to upgrade their listening skills to improve relationships, productivity or for some other reason. Preparing for the conversation can help you listen better in the conversation. Taking notes during the conversation can also help you… Continue reading…
Are You Ready to Create an ADHD Compatible Life Free of Shoulds?
DESCRIPTION: If the rules you are following right now are getting in the way of creating the type of ADHD-compatible life you envision you can change that. And you’ll want to if you want to live a life that’s in alignment with your values and allows you to more easily reach your goals. Here’s how to do that. KEY TAKEAWAYS: We all have internalized subconscious rules we follow. Some of these rules are helpful. However,… Continue reading…
Can ADHD Adults Really Become Less Susceptible to Feeling Rejected?
DESCRIPTION: It’s true that ADHD adults can be more susceptible to feeling rejected and feel the rejection more intensely. But there are proven strategies to work with these feelings to reduce the intensity and times you feel rejected. Listen to see how you can do this. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Feelings of rejection can be stronger for ADHD adults. Some ADHD adults may have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and need medication to treat this condition. ADHD adults not… Continue reading…
Want to Succeed? Stop Managing Weaknesses. Develop Your Strengths
DESCRIPTION: ADHD adults too often focus on their weaknesses, instead of developing their strengths. That’s a mistake! Here is how you can change that. KEY TAKEAWAYS: ADHD adults may often focus too much on managing their weaknesses. Focusing on talents and building strengths can make it easier to reach goals. Externalizing what you know about yourself is the first step in identifying your talents and strengths. Assessments can be helpful, but you shouldn’t rely on… Continue reading…
Are You Looking For Solutions for Your ADHD Memory Challenges?
DESCRIPTION: True, memory challenges are common for ADHD adults. But these challenges don’t have to get in your way, if you use these solutions. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Your ADHD contributes to your working memory and long-term memory challenges. There are many work arounds to compensate for these challenges, including tools strategies and mindsets. Learning about and acknowledging these challenges can help you choose the work arounds that will work best for you. RESOURCES: ARTICLE: ADHD and… Continue reading…